Peter Čvirik

Audio Equipment Technician

In my lifetime I’ve replaced many different audio devices, usually one at a time. I started with speakers and ended with cables. The “last” change was about a year ago, when, as usual, I changed speaker sets for the “last” time. Of course, in order to play well, the whole system has to be connected with cables of adequate quality. No one who is seriously involved in audio technology doubts this anymore. But here I have always been rather skeptical, especially about the “cosmic” materials and superpurity of metals from which the cables are made, and for which the manufacturers charge outrageous money. After all, I have some experience in electrical engineering and a professional education in this direction, which somehow “doesn’t allow” me to mystify the subject too much. I dealt with it mostly pragmatically, I didn’t use cheap “shoelaces” of course, but I didn’t use super expensive cables either. The sonic differences between, say, mid-range cables and the super-expensive ones were too small for me to be willing to invest huge sums for such a tiny benefit.


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