Jaroslav K.

I am a hobbyist who would like to share with you my experience with AAI products.

I found out about AAI recently from a friend who knew I was looking for a speaker cable upgrade, and I also needed another quality LAN cable. The communication with AAI was very relaxed, the company representative also offered me other cabling “on trial” and that’s something a hifista usually can’t refuse, as every experience is enlightening. So I received a package with selected power, LAN and speaker cables, jumpers, as well as a power strip and “prisms”, which are devices used to “clean” the power network.

It must be said that my interconnection technology was not neglected and consisted of components from the “top tiers” of companies that clearly belonged to the recognized top in the field. And even to this state I have worked my way up over the years through gradual upgrades and financial losses…

My current basic hifi components are among those that are generally considered sound neutral, so the cabling shouldn’t “improve” the character of the sound in my case. Previously, for example, I have salvaged the poor treble reproduction of my speakers with some success with a speaker cable, which I then necessarily had to address after replacing the speakers.

For the first power-up, I left my power cords and power filter, which was an unquestionable certainty for me and the basis of all the sound of my system. The sound quality immediately increased significantly and I verified the effect of each component by partially swapping them. Then came another big surprise for me when I tested the power components (power cables, power strip and “prisms”), which further improved the overall sound quality in a significant way. This was really the biggest shock for me, given the quality of my power cabling and my satisfaction so far. In the end, I decided to completely replace all of my power, filter, and interconnect components with AAI products.

Now I have everything “burnt”, I no longer have the need to follow the news in the field of “cabling”, so I just enjoy the beauty of music…
