Branislav Vrška
In the almost 30 years that I have been assembling high quality audio systems, including high quality cabling, many high quality cables have passed through my hands at prices up to 9500€ for interconnect cable, 18000€ for speaker cable and 6000€ for network cables.
After trying these cables, I realized practically immediately after replacing them that something extraordinary was going on in my audio system. In a positive way. The music began to flow somehow more naturally, more smoothly without any grain or audible distortion. Suddenly everything was much more natural and real than before. The sound remained more analogue, with natural, non-violent sounding detail. Amazing macro and micro dynamics dominate without losing the natural musicality. Even bad recordings sounded much more pleasant and natural than before.
Current lineup:
DAC: Lampizator Golden Gate
Preamp: Einstein The Tube
Monoblocks Classe CA M400
Network Scrubber: PS Audio P-10